


by Christine Cho(Eun K. Cho) Ph.D., L.Ac


Today, I will be introducing you to the BnB Facial Acupuncture. The BnB Facial Acupuncture is a new anti-aging treatment that uses only the acupuncture techniques with free of chemical substances that may be harmful to your skin. With the art of modern medicinal technology, fine needles, numerous years of experiences, practitioners maximize the effectiveness of treatment while also successfully minimizing whatever little pain one may feel. During the BnB Facial Acupuncture treatment, the patient does not feel any sort of pain or discomfort.

Another wonderful attribute to the BnB Facial Acupuncture is that unlike costly, painful time consuming surgery, you can go back to your daily activities immediately after the treatment. The BnB Facial Acupuncture technique leaves your skin better than when you came in with no large bruises or pain after the treatment.

The BnB Facial Acupuncture technique gives you positively noticeable results. After a few treatments, you can reverse the damage Father Time has done to you by getting treatments like the Correction of Facial Contour Deformities and Facial Balance, Chin Augmentation used to treat Sagging Along Jaw Line, Horizontal Forehead Lines, Frown lines, Dropped Eye Brows or any sort of problem you may have with your facial appearance. This revolutionary new technique improves overall skin & muscle tone while enhancing & increasing the elasticity of the skin.


Another advantage of the BnB Facial Acupuncture technique is that it helps increase the secretion of Collagen by circulation of Qi, in turn increasing flexibility of joints as well as numerous benefits on immune system.

Botox is working as injecting Toxins to paralyzing muscle fiber and could make muscles flabby or in worst case, generate bumps in the face. According to the web magazine, Botox could cause serious side effects as following “The Botulinum Toxin contained in Botox can spread to other body areas beyond where it was injected. This has caused serious life-threatening side effects in some people receiving botulism toxin injections, even for cosmetic purposes.”

Compare to the risky Botox injection, the BnB Facial Acupuncture treatments do not harm you but can only benefit you by correcting & lifting up of contour line. The treatments also result in an easing of fine lines & a reduction of deeper lines, sagginess, lifting of droopy eyelids, eye brows & a clearing or reduction of age spots.

Convinced yet? Another fact you might want to take into consideration is the cost of both procedures. The Botox treatment costs more than BnB Facial Acupuncture treatments, while the BnB Facial Acupuncture treats whole face for each session.

So if you are looking for an alternative treatment method that is much safer, cost effective & can naturally improve facial & body rejuvenation, BnB Facial Acupuncture is the answer.

*Dr. Cho’s “Wellbeing Asian Medicine Article” is a daily radio broadcasting, which available Monday through Friday 7:50 a.m., 3:50 p.m. on FM 100.3 HD2 or, YTN Radio USA apps from app store for smart phone users.

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